Roberto Giuliani (14 ottobre 1961), musicologo e pianista, Direttore della International School of Musical Sciencies della “Ettore Majorana” Foundation and Centre for Scientific Culture.
Dal 1991 è Professore ordinario di Metodologia della ricerca e Musica e mass media presso il Conservatorio Statale di Musica “Santa Cecilia” di Roma, di cui è stato Direttore eletto, dal 2016 al 2022.
Dal 1990 al 2014 è stato inoltre, in parallelo, Professore universitario a contratto presso le Università di Lecce, Macerata, Napoli, Parma e Roma.
Membro di numerose commissioni di esperti del Ministero dell’Università e della Ricerca, è stato tra l’altro membro della Consulta per lo Spettacolo del MiBACT e del Consiglio Direttivo della Società Italiana di Musicologia, e consulente scientifico della RAI, del Premio Strega, dell’Istituto Centrale per i Beni Sonori e Audiovisivi (già Discoteca di Stato).
Fa parte dal 2015 dell’albo degli esperti di valutazione ANVUR – Agenzia Nazionale di Valutazione del Sistema Universitario e della Ricerca.
Nell’ambito del suo impegno per la diffusione della cultura musicale, è stato più volte ascoltato, in qualità di esperto e di rappresentante sia di Università sia di Conservatori, dalle Commissioni Cultura della Camera e del Senato, in ordine ai progetti legislativi relativi alla Riforma degli studi musicali, alla disciplina dei Beni culturali, alla Riforma delle attività musicali.
Ha fatto parte di numerose commissioni concorsuali (anche come presidente) e di commissioni di studio, nazionali e internazionali, anche relative alla progettazione, erogazione, sviluppo e valutazione dei percorsi formativi del settore AFAM.
Ha diretto progetti musicali e musicologici, ed è stato membro di associazioni e di comitati scientifici nazionali e internazionali, nonché di comitati di redazione.
Ha pubblicato volumi e saggi sulle maggiori riviste nazionali e internazionali di settore.
Ha inoltre svolto attività di direzione di ensemble musicali, oltre a quella di concertista, sia al pianoforte sia al clavicembalo, da solista e in diverse formazioni da camera.
Per la sua attività di studio e di direzione, e il suo impegno nei campi della legislazione e della diffusione musicale, ha ricevuto numerosi premi e riconoscimenti nazionali e internazionali.
Short English Version
Roberto Giuliani is the present Director of the International School of Musical Sciencies – “Ettore Majorana” Foundation and Centre for Scientific Culture, present Artistic director of the musical activities of Palazzo Lateranense (Vatican), and former Director of the “Santa Cecilia” Conservatory in Rome(2016-2022). From 2004 to 2010, he served two terms on the Academic Council of the Conservatory.
He graduated in Piano as a student of Vittorio Venturi and in Art, Music and the Performing Arts under Agostino Ziino. He studied Harpsichord with Walter Kolneder and Analysis and Composition with Cesare Carlini. Before devoting himself to teaching and musicology, Giuliani was active as a harpsichordist and pianist, both as a soloist and in chamber ensembles. In this role and as a conductor he premiered a variety of works.
Giuliani started teaching at the Italian State Conservatories in 1987 and since 1992, he has been senior Professor of Music History Education at the “Santa Cecilia”. He also teaches Research Methodology and Music and Mass Mediain the Master courses in Artistic Research in Music, and in Music for videogames, and is part of the PhD College in Cultures, practices and technologies of cinema, media, music, theater and dance of the University of Roma Tre.
Concurrently, from 1990 to 2013, Giuliani was adjunct Professor of Musicology at the Universities of Lecce, Macerata, Naples, Parma and Rome with regard to: History of Theory and Composition, History of Contemporary Music, Musical Discography and Videography, Multimedia, Music and New Media.
Giuliani also participated in the final report of the European Platform of Artistic Research in Music (AEC – Association Européenne des Conservatoires) and, as part of its international activity, in 2019 was invited as speaker at the Cultural Forum in Saint Petersburg, at the opening plenary section, with the topic Crossing arts, crossing nations, crossing society. Music to give value to differences, music to break down differences.
Giuliani has collaborated with: European Union, Mozarteumin Salzburg, European Center of Ravello, ICON (Italian Culture On Net), Accademia Nazionale of Santa Cecilia, La Scala in Milan, Teatro dell’Opera in Rome, Teatro Comunaleof Florence, Teatro Valli of Reggio Emilia, Maggio Musicale Fiorentino, Sagra Musicale Malatestiana of Rimini, SagraMusicale Umbra, Solisti Aquilani, ContempoartensembleFestival, Scelsi Foundation of Rome, Cini Foundation of Venice, Hungarian Academy, Italian Institute for Studies of Gesualdo, BMG-Ricordi, National Museum of Musical Instruments, Institute for Research in Musical Theater, Association for the Economics of Culture, Nuovo IMAIE – Health Insurance Institute for Artists, Interpreters, Performers etc.
Among his humanitarian interests, has launched a vast activity in the Conservatory towards the different abilities, promoting experimentation protocols with the major hospitals and research centers. For his continuous activity in the sectors of the diffusion and social function of music, and for his activity in the sector of the relationship between music and disability, he has been awarded national and international awards.
For some time, Giuliani has been working for RAI-Radiotre, running Pomeriggio musicale, and Ninety years of Italian Music, and collaborating with RAI-Educational, and RAI-Teche, etc., as well as leading research groups.
For his ongoing commitment to the role of music in culture, he has often been consulted by the Cultural Committee of the House and Senate as an expert and as a representative of both the Conservatories and Universities regarding legislative projects related to musical education, to performance activities, and to our cultural heritage. Among his national and international governmental activities, in 2000 he was appointed by the Minister of the University to collaborate with the Director of the Paris Conservatory, the Director of the Milan Conservatory and the Dean of the University of “Roma II.” In the following years, he was constantly appointed as an expert of the Ministry of the University and Research.
After a nationwide selection, in 2014 he was included in the Registry of Expert Evaluators of ANVUR, the National Agency for the Evaluation of Research and the University System, in the area of Music.
Currently he is a member of the International Scientific Committee for the project Music in 20th-century Italy, and scientific adviser to the Central Institute for Sound and Audiovisual Heritage (Discoteca di Stato). He has also been a member of the Council for the Performing Arts, the musical arm of the Heritage and Cultural Activities and Tourism Ministry, a music consultant for the Premio Strega, as well as a member of the Governing Council of the Italian Society of Musicology and of the National Branch of International Association of Sound Archives (IASA), etc.
Relationships between music and mass media are Giuliani’s principal areas of investigation, with a focus on disc, radio and television music of the 20th century, regarding performance practice, conservation and cultural heritage legislation, copyright law, and the diffusion of music in various school degrees and social environments.
He has lectured widely and given courses in international institutions, theaters, foundations, academies, concert associations, Italian and foreign universities, museums, radio, television etc. In support of his humanitarian, governmental and academic work, Giuliani has led research projects, has participated in congresses, has published monographs and essay collections, essays in national and international journals (Early Music, Mozart Jahrbuch, Nuova Rivista Musicale Italiana, Rivista Italiana di Musicologia, etc.), and articles in national newspapers and periodicals (Amadeus, Il Giornale della Musica, Musica dossier, Piano Time, Suonosud, etc.) He has lectured widely and given courses in international institutions, theaters, foundations, academies, concert associations, Italian and foreign universities, museums, etc.
For BMG-Ricordi, Giuliani published a monograph on Salvatore Sciarrino and for Guerini Publishing (Milan), the book, Music in films and television, presented in the Sala accademica of the Santa Cecilia Conservatory by Ennio Morricone, Franco Piersanti, Roman Vlad and Sergio Miceli. One of Giuliani’s essays was included in the volume on the Economics of Culture entitled, Witnesses of culture, along with essays by Piero Angela, Paolo Baratta, Antonio Cognata, Carlo Fuortes, Roberto Grossi, Marino Sinibaldi, Monique Veaute, etc. His most recent essay is devoted toLa produzione discografia di Claudio Scimone. Pregressi e contesti della prassi esecutiva del secondo Novecento.
Direttore artistico e didattico dei Corsi di Storia della musica, Analisi musicale, Informatica musicale, Teoria musicale e solfeggio, Tecnica e letteratura pianistica, promossi presso i licei romani dall’Associazione “La Ghironda” con il sostegno dell’Assessorato Pubblica Istruzione e Cultura della Provincia di Roma (dal 1980 al 1988).
Ideatore e componente dei Comitati scientifici dei seguenti convegni nazionali e internazionali:
Componente dei Comitati scientifici dei seguenti convegni nazionali e internazionali:
(1960-1975), Atti del convegno internazionale di studi Domenico Guaccero. Teoria e prassi dell’avanguardia (Roma, 2-4 dicembre 2004), a cura di Daniela Tortora, Roma, Aracne, 2009, pp. 351-405.
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